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Broadcasting Aly

Broadcasting Aly

From Lake Tahoe, Aly Garwood ’15 tells stories of bears, coyotes, rescue animals and more on her own television show.

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David Timmer Named Chair in Philosophy and Religion

David Timmer Named Chair in Philosophy and Religion

David Timmer, professor of religion, has been awarded the Dr. Jacob and Gela Schnucker Sessler Chair in Philosophy and Religion.

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Central Psychology Outperforms the Competition at MPA Conference

Central Psychology Outperforms the Competition at MPA Conference

Central College’s psychology program is ambitious — and it shows. This spring, an impressive cohort of 29 Central students presented their research at the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) conference in Chicago.

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Ray Martin passes away at age 77

Ray Martin passes away at age 77

Raymond Martin, professor emeritus of music, taught at Central for 43 years.

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Street Piano Adds Beauty and Music to Campus

Street Piano Adds Beauty and Music to Campus

Mu Gamma Pi installs decorated “street piano” on campus.

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Only 7,000 Miles From Pella

Only 7,000 Miles From Pella

Sara Shuger Fox, assistant professor of exercise science, and senior Andrea Arthofer explored the United Arab Emirates together while presenting research in Abu Dhabi.

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Central Faculty Receive Teaching Awards

Central Faculty Receive Teaching Awards

Eleven Central College faculty members received awards this spring for outstanding commitment, energy and innovation.

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Keith Yanner Celebrates 25 Years at Central

Keith Yanner Celebrates 25 Years at Central

Professor of political science Keith Yanner was a journalist writing about politics before he became a scholar of the discipline.

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Former dean Bill Hinga passes away

Former dean Bill Hinga passes away

Former dean of students Bill Hinga passed away at age 88. Hinga served Central for 38 years.

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Full Speed Ahead

Full Speed Ahead

Central students never stop chasing possibilities, and many seniors have already lined up new opportunities to serve and grow after graduation.

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