Central College Professor Publishes Research on Innovative Shin Splint Treatment
Shelli Green ’07, assistant professor of kinesiology, published research on an innovative treatment for shin splints.
Shelli Green ’07, assistant professor of kinesiology, published research on an innovative treatment for shin splints.
Personal training program at Central earns NSCA Education Recognition Program recognition.
The Year-in-Review highlights achievements of Central College.
Central students conducted research in biology, chemistry, genetics, kinesiology and musical theatre over the summer.
Central’s kinesiology program has earned accreditation from the CAAHEP.
Central College had a news-filled 2022 with new programs, successful fundraising, accreditations and awards.
Central became the first college in Iowa — and one of just four in the nation — to earn accreditation from the Council on Accreditation of Strength and Conditioning Programs.
Central will launch a new strength and conditioning major this fall.
Central College’s personal training program, part of the kinesiology major, has been approved by the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Education Recognition Program.
Central College had a lot to celebrate in 2021. As we look ahead to a new year with optimism and purpose, we look back at some of the most impactful Central stories of 2021.