
Coffee Shops in Pella

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Dave and Ardie Sutphen Common Room announced

Dave and Ardie Sutphen Common Room announced

In honor of many years of service to Central College, the meeting room in the Graham Annex was officially named the Dave ’61 and Ardie ’64 Sutphen Common Room on Monday.

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School’s Out for Service

School’s Out for Service

More than 600 students, faculty and staff donated their time and energy to projects around central Iowa for the annual Service Day in April.

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Going Green with Guatemalan Garbage

Going Green with Guatemalan Garbage

Over spring break, a group of 10 students tackled garbage and compost in a Guatemalan village. They also taught local women about sustainability.

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School for STEM

School for STEM

Central students and faculty provide lessons in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to middle school students.

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Hunger Game

Hunger Game

The students of the Epidemiology course organized an Oxfam Hunger Banquet to raise awareness of global food disparity. Those dining on tiny meals got to thinking about what waste and nutrition really mean.

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An Onstage Family

An Onstage Family

While playing the divided members of the Miller family in “Ah, Wilderness!,” the students of Theatre Central became a close family backstage.

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Musical Friends

Musical Friends

Anne Petrie, professor of music, performed with fellow faculty members, students and family in her annual recital.

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Granting Their Time and Talents

Granting Their Time and Talents

Students in the Writing for Non-Profit Organizations course have brought in more than $60,000 in grants for community partners in Iowa.

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My Time in Pella…So Far

My Time in Pella…So Far

Noelia Barbolla Báez is a Spanish language assistant from El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain, working with students at Central this year. She recounts her experience as a teacher, student, friend, traveler and survivor of the Central College “jungle.”

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Singing in Rio

Singing in Rio

The Central College A Cappella Choir will tour Brazil in May and work with the Northeast Rotary Club in Sao Paulo to collect shoes for those in need.

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