Shuger Fox and Cheek Published in Neurology Journal
Sara Shuger Fox, associate professor of kinesiology, and Joshua Cheek, a 2021 Central graduate, published an article in “Neurology.”
Sara Shuger Fox, associate professor of kinesiology, and Joshua Cheek, a 2021 Central graduate, published an article in “Neurology.”
Mary Benedict named director of engagement in the newly formed engagement and events team for Central College.
Central’s accounting faculty and students will help area residents with income tax preparation.
Central sophomores gained a jump on career readiness with the fourth annual Career Kickstarter program.
Joseph Vande Kieft ’99 appointed as new chief information officer and will oversee the Information Technology Services department.
Central faculty members Paulina Mena and Russ Benedict created two modules for PEERS.
Kate Nesbit, assistant professor of English, co-authored a chapter in the newly released book that explores how faculty compose and use pedagogical documents to establish classroom expectations and teaching practices
Hendrik G. “Henry” Van Leeuwen, Central College Class of 1950 graduate, bequeathed $224,787 to Central to establish the Van Leeuwen Scholarship for students.
Central’s World Food Prize Lecture to feature Madhura Swaminathan, professor and head of the economic analysis unit at the Indian Statistical Institute in Bangalore, India.
Curtis Bauer, poet, translator and 1992 Central graduate, will read at the Fall 2022 Writers Reading Series.