
Coffee Shops in Pella

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Central Students Meet Ambassador

Central Students Meet Ambassador

Central students and a faculty member met with the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.

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Central College Marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 19

Central College Marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 19

Central College honors Martin Luther King Jr. Day with service and arts events.

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Bette Brunsting, Professor Emerita and Alumna, Dies at 81

Bette Brunsting, Professor Emerita and Alumna, Dies at 81

Bette Brunsting, associate professor emerita of communication, died Friday evening at Hospice of Pella Comfort House.

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Central Students Compete in Theatre Festival

Central Students Compete in Theatre Festival

Three students will compete in the Kennedy American College Theatre Festival Jan. 22-28 in Des Moines.

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Larry Mills, Central College professor emeritus, dies at 93

Larry Mills, Central College professor emeritus, dies at 93

Larry Mills, professor emeritus of art at Central College, passed away at age 93.

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Leslie Duinink Named to Concussion Advising Group

Leslie Duinink Named to Concussion Advising Group

Leslie Duinink has been invited to help develop guidelines for helping kids recover from concussions.

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New Year’s Resolutions for Central Students

New Year’s Resolutions for Central Students

Taylor Sanders, student body president, writes resolutions for her final semester at Central.

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Central’s Favorite Stories in 2016

Central’s Favorite Stories in 2016

The Dutch had a great year! What Central stories caught your attention in 2016? Here are the year’s most popular posts — take a look back.

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13 Awesome Ways to Survive Finals Week

13 Awesome Ways to Survive Finals Week

It’s finals week! Take advantage of Central’s favorite strategies.

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Christmas Candlelight Concerts Run Dec. 8-10

Christmas Candlelight Concerts Run Dec. 8-10

The A Cappella Choir celebrates one of Central’s favorite traditions with Christmas Candlelight Concerts in Des Moines and Pella.

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