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Art Where You Least Expect It

Art Where You Least Expect It

When she was at Central, an arts career seemed a long way off for Marian Ann Montgomery ’77. Today she roots her career in an art form people often overlook.

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Drawing Together

Drawing Together

The Art Club sponsored a 24-hour drawing marathon for students, faculty and staff. The finished mural, a collaborative work of the community, is 30 feet long.

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Commencement and Baccalaureate Speakers

Commencement and Baccalaureate Speakers

Central College has selected two prominent speakers for the commencement and baccalaureate ceremonies for graduating seniors: Dr. Kathleen Sikkema and Rev. Wes Granberg-Michaelson.

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The Life of a Working Actor

The Life of a Working Actor

Rob Lindley sings. He acts. He jokes. He can create a scene at the drop of a hat. And he finds outlets for all these talents as an actor and cabaret artist in Chicago.

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On Land and In Space

On Land and In Space

Students explore the contemporary forms of installation and environmental art—creating big 3-D works out of unexpected mediums.

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High-Tech Art

High-Tech Art

The Central art department has added new and updated equipment to three of its popular programs, generating positive responses from art students.

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Jumping into Genes

Jumping into Genes

While interning at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, senior Megan Kittleson extracted DNA and RNA from cells in order to research a gene’s connection to lupus.

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In Her Papa’s Lap

In Her Papa’s Lap

During her freshman year, Kate Hildebrand wrote a heartrending essay for her Intersections course. Now a sophomore, her essay was accepted for publication on

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Better Than Home Cooked

Better Than Home Cooked

Central chef Kayleen Vander Veen has a passion for creating excellent food for customers, which came in handy at a recent cooking competition.

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Calling All Artists

Calling All Artists

Theatre alum Kevin Viol ’03 proves you really can do anything with a degree in the arts. Viol holds a 9-to-5 job in addition to working on countless arts projects.

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