March 3, 2015
Tim Dwight, solar energy entrepreneur and former NFL player, will speak March 11 at Central College.
February 24, 2015
Central College President Mark Putnam has announced the appointment of Tom Johnson as vice president for finance and administration/treasurer (VPFA).
February 20, 2015
President Mark Putnam will appear on Iowa Public Television’s long-running “Iowa Press.”
February 13, 2015
Emmy Award-winning journalist Harry Smith ‘73 will interview entrepreneur Harold Hamm at Central College Feb. 26, during National Entrepreneurship Week.
February 9, 2015
Central College students will present a hilarious modern spin on Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera, “Trial by Jury,” Feb. 13 and 15.
February 9, 2015
Frank L. Battisti, world-renowned wind ensemble conductor and music educator, will be in residence at Central College Feb. 23 – March 1.
February 4, 2015
For the third year in a row, Central College has announced its smallest price increase in more than 40 years.
January 29, 2015
Central College is among the 50 most underrated colleges in America.
January 19, 2015
Central College will host the 2015 Geisler Penquite Foundation Speakers, featuring sessions focused on education.
January 13, 2015
Central College will celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a special program Jan. 19 and service projects throughout the week.