Central RED Society to Welcome Mike Nardini with a Pella Update
Central RED to welcome Mike Nardini, Pella city administrator, Thursday, Feb. 8.
Central RED to welcome Mike Nardini, Pella city administrator, Thursday, Feb. 8.
Central will celebrate Black History Month through a series of educational and service programs on campus throughout February.
Central College accounting students will volunteer their time and knowledge to assist Marion County residents with income tax preparation.
Central College will welcome the works of Paul Andrew Wandless to the Mills Gallery in the Lubbers Center for Visual Arts, beginning Jan. 15.
The annual Pella Wedding Extravaganza will be noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 14, at the Central College Graham Conference Center.
For MLK Day, Central students and faculty created an alternate day of learning that pays respect to the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Mat Kelly, Central professor of art, will display his handmade books at Olson-Larsen Gallery show.
Let music fill your heart this holiday season with concerts by Central College music ensembles and the College Community Orchestra.
Central RED to host a Community Christmas Strum with Sarah Van Waardhuizen.
The creative works of 15 Central students will be on display in the Mills Gallery until Friday, Dec. 8.