Central College Hosts Screening of “The League” and Q&A with Producer Byron Motley
Black History Month at Central includes a screening of The League followed by Q&A with Byron Motley, son of the late Bob Motley, a Negro League umpire.
Black History Month at Central includes a screening of The League followed by Q&A with Byron Motley, son of the late Bob Motley, a Negro League umpire.
Personal training program at Central earns NSCA Education Recognition Program recognition.
Central welcomes Pella community schools to honor the 2024 Kid Captains and launch the new Grandparents Day special.
Grandparent Day honors the late Dan Marburger ’89.
Homecoming 2024 welcomes alumni and the public to campus.
Central’s summer research options take students to many locations — camps, football fields, Greece, bee fields, research labs, writing labs and senior living centers.
Central College dance and cheer teams competed at the NCA/NDA National Championship.
The Year-in-Review highlights achievements of Central College.
Central has lots to offer when it comes to getting involved. Lauren Brown ’24 shows you where to have fun, build relationships and participate in things that you love.
Brad Van Vark ’78 shares his experiences as a football officiant with Central Red Society.