Mary Johnson and Oshea Israel will speak at Central College May 1 during an Iowa Sociological Association (ISA) conference.
Years after Mary Johnson’s only son was murdered, she decided to visit his killer in prison. She forgave Oshea Israel, claimed him as her son and founded “From Death to Life,” an organization dedicated to healing and reconciliation. Johnson and Israel will speak at Central College May 1 during an Iowa Sociological Association (ISA) conference. Their keynote presentation is free and open to the public at 1:30 p.m. in Cox-Snow Recital Hall.
Shawn Wick, assistant professor of sociology at Central College and ISA president, said Johnson and Israel tell an important story, and their presentation will interest many students and community members. Wick was chosen by sociology professors throughout the state to plan this year’s ISA conference and selected the keynote speakers for this reason. The presentation is made possible by support from the Moore Family Foundation and co-sponsored by the Central College Criminal Justice Club.