Central College News

Central College community read as the first Writers Reading

September 6, 2013

Central College community members will read sections from this year’s common reading book “The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates” as a part of the Writers Reading series Sept. 19.

This is the seventh year of the college’s common read program—which brings together Central College faculty, staff and incoming students through literature. The common read is the centerpiece of the required first-year seminar Intersections, which is taught by faculty across disciplines.

President Mark Putnam, first-year class dean Leslie Duinink, vice president of student development Peggy Fitch, student body president Miranda Wehde and others will read excerpts and share their thoughts on the passages.

“I’m very excited to be hosting this reading as part of the 2013-14 Writers Reading season,” said Natalie Hutchinson, Writers Reading coordinator and library director. “This community reading is something new for us, and I think that it’s a great opportunity for people across campus to connect over this terrific book.”

This event is part of the Intersections Teach-In event Sept. 18-20. The teach-in includes a three-day schedule of events giving students the opportunity to explore the themes of the common reading book.

The reading will be in the Dave and Ardith Sutphen Room in the Graham Annex at 7:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
