Central College News

Central College to Host Reformation Conference

Featured: Central College to Host Reformation Conference

October 3, 2017

Central College hosts a regional conference of the Lilly Fellows Program, Reason and Faith on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Friday-Saturday, Oct. 13-14. The conference features speakers in English literature, history, education, philosophy and religion and was organized by professor of religion Terence Kleven and assistant professor of philosophy Mark Thomas. Dr. Jacob and Gela Schnucker Sessler Chair in Philosophy and Religion David Timmer is one of the featured speakers.

This year, Tuesday, Oct. 31 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting his 95 theses on the door of the castle church at Wittenberg — ideas which launched the Protestant Reformation and changed Western civilization forever. This conference will gather scholars and educators from a variety of Christian traditions to discuss the relation of reason and faith as it is understood in both the academy and Church in the wake of the Reformation.

The conference is sponsored by the Lilly Fellows Program through a grant awarded to Thomas and Kleven. The Lilly Fellows Program in the Humanities and the Arts seeks to strengthen the quality and shape the character of church-related institutions of higher learning, and Central is part of the program’s national network of church-related colleges and universities.

For more information, view the full conference schedule.
