How can you tell if Central College is home? You know the signs:
You fill your closet with red T-shirts and Under Armour apparel.
You know the value of a short-cut through Vermeer Science Center when Iowa weather gets brutal.
You greet at least three people every time you cross campus.
You’ve been to President Putnam’s house at least once — for dinner, a reception or college event.
You would rather dress up for the Lemming Race than Halloween.
You understand civic responsibility and have a passion for giving back to the
You’ve added “hoo-rah” to your vocabulary.
You clap when someone drops a glass during meals.
You’ve attended at least one Combos concert.
You’ve polished your golf swing with numerous games of gennis.
You’re not shocked when the lights turn off in a hallway or classroom — you know the importance of sustainability.
You and your academic advisor have discussed a TV show, recent movie or the election — maybe even all three.
You recognize a sporting event when you see the red-and-white striped overalls of the Dutch Brigade.
You measure the health value of your food by colors — green, yellow, red.
You love eating breakfast at 10 p.m. during finals week’s Breakfast of Champions.
You have a secret, quiet study spot in Geisler Library, where you crush your homework.
You skillfully avoid the pond on your birthday. Especially January birthdays.
You’ve studied abroad or completed a challenging internship — or both!
You look forward to spring because of baby geese, Tulip Time and commencement.
You rearrange your lunch schedule to enjoy Fresh Cookie Tuesday and Mongolian Friday.