by Lindsey Greer ’16

English major Lindsey Greer ’16 writes about her summer experience as research and writing intern for the Iowa United Nations Association (pictured with IUNA office coordinator Susan McGuire).
Major: English (linguistics and Spanish minors)
Hometown: Harlan, Iowa
I am the research and writing intern for the Iowa United Nations Association this summer. I’m getting credit hours to graduate early (December 2016), and I hope to provide IUNA with materials they’ll be able to use long after I’ve moved on.
I’m completing several writing projects for IUNA this summer. Two articles I’m researching and writing two articles for their publication, The Forum, will be published with my byline, and one (about the World Health Organization’s responses to Ebola and Zika) will be the front-page story. I’m also helping brainstorm, plan and develop research/groundwork for the upcoming Hike to Help Refugees in Dubuque this September.
At Central, I took a class called Writing for Non-Profit Organizations last fall. The training we got in that class, paired with the experience I got from my corresponding service-learning project with EMBARC (Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy and Resource Center), has proven to be very useful. I was well prepared for the work I’m now doing for the IUNA. I now have not one but two great writing-related items for my resume.
Read more about internships through Central.