by Jane McKown ’17

Central accounting major Jane McKown ’17 writes about her summer experience as tax intern at Jeanne M. Matter CPA Ltd. in Delano, Minn.
Major: Accounting (psychology and Spanish minors)
Hometown: Independence, Minn.
This summer, I am working as tax intern at Jeanne M. Matter CPA Ltd. in Delano, Minn.
Since it’s a fairly small firm, I have quite the array of duties. Some days I am performing simple tasks such as paying bills, bank reconciling or electronically filing forms. Most days, however, I am working closely with the CPA in charge of tax preparation and financial planning for multiple customers, which helps me familiarize myself with the software programs I will be using in the real world.
Every day is different here. My coworkers are a hoot, so you never know what to expect. My favorite thing is seeing a project get completed. Taxes take time, and in this firm you get to see everything happen from start to finish because there are no other departments that we can send our work to. I also love seeing how much communication actually goes into accounting. People think accounting is simply crunching numbers while hidden away in a back room, but this internship has proven that incorrect. The amount of communication that happens between clients and coworkers is amazing.
Throughout my experience, there have been countless times when classroom knowledge turned into real work experience. Lots of the information I learn and practice in class transfers right into what I’m doing now. Every day I find new ways to cultivate the accounting skills, knowledge and passion I learned in the classroom at Central and apply it to real life situations. This opportunity has helped shape my career in so many ways.
Read more about internships through Central.