by Maddi Hennessey ’18

Central student and basketball player Maddi Hennessey ’18 writes about her summer experience as sports marketing and game day operations intern for the Des Moines Menace.
Majors: Business management and communication studies
Hometown: Robins, Iowa
This summer I worked for the Des Moines Menace soccer team as sports marketing and game day operations intern. I stumbled upon the internship opportunity through Central’s contacts from previous student internships. I wanted to gain experience working in sports and learn how business and sports relate.
My duties included many activities on Menace game days, plus helping with stadium setup and teardown, promotions, customer service and marketing initiatives. I also helped with Menace youth tournaments.
I learned how to work and communicate effectively in a professional environment and how to fit into a developed company and represent the company’s values. My work connected well with all of my communication and business management classes at Central. I have applied aspects of both areas in my daily work.
Along with my internship, I am also working as a facilities manager and officiating a 3 on 3 girls’ basketball league. When I have time off, I am enjoying rest and completing summer workouts for basketball.
I believe this opportunity has helped my professional career by providing me with hands-on experience working with a top level sports team. This internship has also helped shape my professional career as a stepping stone to hopefully another internship with the Menace or maybe even a full-time position with the Menace or another similar sports team.
Read more about internships through Central.