Central College News

International dinner features traditional Austrian dishes

Junior Katherine Zellmer will host an International Dinner featuring Austrian foods on April 11 after studying abroad in Vienna, Austria.

“I went abroad to Vienna, and it was a memorable experience that I want to share with everyone in the community,” Zellmer said. “Central has a very strong and fantastic study abroad program in Vienna, and this dinner will show that Austria has more food beyond Wiener Schnitzel.”

The menu will consist of traditional dishes such as semolina dumplings in broth, Schweinsbraten (pork roast) and Kartoffelkloesse (potato dumplings), Käsesoätzle (Austrian-style macaroni and cheese), Krautsalat (warm salad of white cabbage), Vienesse cucumber salad and Austrian apple strudel with whipped cream for dessert.

The dinner starts at 6 p.m. in Graham Banquet Hall. Reservations must be made by April 9 to reimert@central.edu or 641-628-5334. The cost is $15 per person or $5 for Central students on a meal plan and children 6-10. Children under 6 are free. The event is open to the public.

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