Central College News

Central College alumnus, Dr. Tom Boat, named dean of medical school

Dr. Tom Boat, a 1961 Central College graduate, who spoke at commencement exercises May 14 and received an honorary doctor of science degree, recently was named the dean of the University of Cincinnati’s College of Medicine. Boat currently serves as executive associate dean of clinical affairs and CEO of the University of Cincinnati physicians. His new appointment begins July 1.

Boat earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Central, and a master’s in anatomy and a Doctor of Medicine degree, both from the University of Iowa. He earned a certification in pediatrics in 1971 and pediatric pulmonary medicine in 1995. In 1990, Boat was honored with Central’s Distinguished Alumni Award and he has also served on the college’s National Advisory Council.

Boat is a member of the prestigious Institute of Medicine – the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences – and has served in multiple chair and co-chair positions for the IOM.  He has been elected and appointed to many positions within a large number of professional societies including president and board member of the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs Inc.; president of the American Pediatric Society, the American Society of Pediatric Chairs and the Society for Pediatric Research; and chairman and trustee of the American Board of Pediatrics.

His work has gained widespread acclaim and attention at local and national levels as he’s improved research efforts and training in clinical care in pediatrics. In 2006, he was selected to receive the Ronald McDonald’s House Charities Award of Excellence — past recipients include John Wooden, former President Jimmy Carter and Colin Powell. He was a recipient of the Daniel Drake Medal from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and also received the St. Geme Award from the Federation of Pediatric Organizations.

A Pella native, Boat and his wife, Barbara, live in Glendale, Ohio. Barbara, a licensed clinical psychologist, is associate professor in the psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience department at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and director of the program on childhood trauma and maltreatment. She is also executive director of the Childhood Trust at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Boat’s father, Bert Boat, was the original owner of Boat’s Home Furnishing in Pella, and his sisters, Andrea Boat Roorda ’60 and the late Barbara Boat Bush ’63, graduated from Central College. Andrea and husband Ervin Roorda, a 1960 Central graduate, live in Mill Creek, Wash.

To read more about this appointment, visit the Cincinnati Enquirer website at http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20110518/NEWS0102/305180039/UC-hires-medical-school-dean or the University of Cincinnati website at http://healthnews.uc.edu/news/?/13732/.

More information on Dr. Tom Boat can be found on Central’s site at: http://www.central.edu/news/story.cfm?ID=676

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