Central College News

Central College Celebrates Graduates

Adam Duerfeldt '06 speaking at commencement

Central College Class of 2024 heard comments from Adam Duerfeldt ’06, Commencement speaker.

Central College recognized 232 graduates during Commencement 2024 on Saturday, May 11, 2024, in Ron and Joyce Schipper Stadium on Central’s campus. 

The beautiful spring day was the fitting cap to the class’s college experience. The Class of 2024 began their Central journey in Fall 2020, gathering in the P.H. Kuyper Gymnasium separated and wearing masks. Most in this class had a limited high school graduation.  

As Commencement speaker, Adam Duerfeldt, a 2006 Central graduate, commented during his speech, “This class is special. This is a class that has overcome all odds. A class that every employer will seek because of their proven ability to adapt, innovate and endure. This is a class that presents itself with a track record of resilience and strength.”  

Central granted Duerfeldt the honorary Doctor of Science degree. Duerfeldt currently leads a research group focused on developing new antibiotics and therapies for common eye diseases, and he teaches at the University of Minnesota’s College of Pharmacy. 

The ceremony was livestreamed and can be viewed on the Central Dutch Network. View the list of 2024 graduates. 

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