Central College News

4 Ways to Ace Your Exams

Students studying

By Abigail Reinhardt ’21

We all have experienced the feeling of dread walking into an exam we think we’re totally unprepared for. You know, the feeling where you sit down and just hope the test questions are short, so you can turn it in and run out of there as fast as possible. Whether it’s an exam you didn’t have the time to study for and you’re hoping for the best or the content just isn’t clicking no matter how hard you try, here are some study tips and tricks to help prepare to ace that exam.

Make the Most of Review Days

Take advantage of review days, if your professor offers them. Make sure to review your notes and write down any questions you have before class, so you can get clear answers from your professor. Review days usually are set aside to make sure you succeed and provide an open floor for questions!

Thorough Notes Make the Difference

Handwrite your review notes. Many times, taking notes in class on a computer is faster, but hand-written notes keep you engaged better than electronic note taking. Plus, studies show students retain information better and longer when notes are hand-written!

Students in class


Be Creative

Get creative with your studying! Don’t just copy the PowerPoint slides. Put your notes in your own words. I have found drawing out concepts really helps me remember them! Especially in my anatomy classes. When I’m having a hard time remembering where something is or how it works, I draw the location and function, which always helps me remember it later.

Study Buddies!

Find a study partner to help hold you accountable, not someone who just encourages you to watch an episode of your favorite show. There will always be time to watch Netflix with your friends, but when a big exam is coming up, make sure you keep each other on track! In addition, finding someone from the same class to study with will always help, as you can bounce ideas off each other and test each other’s knowledge.

Whether it’s a pop-quiz, a scheduled exam or finals, making sure to set yourself up for success will always pay off. Take good notes, think critically and get creative; you will find exams don’t always have to be a monster lurking in the closet.


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About the Author

Hey there! My name is Abigail Reinhardt ’21. I’m from Murray, Kentucky, and I’m majoring in communication studies and minoring in exercise science. If you see me around campus, you’ll probably notice I laugh a lot, and I’m almost always talking about my German Shepherds. In my free time, I like to watch Friends and shop online (even though I probably won’t buy anything).


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