Central College News

Too Cool for School

Alexey Pronin, associate professor of physics

By Brandon Rosas ’20

As an 18- to 24-year-old, you have a lot competing for your attention: sports, a significant other, Fortnite. What if your classes kept you as hooked as that Netflix series you’re streaming? According to our sources, these will:


Alexey Pronin, associate professor of physics, is a wizard,” says Daniel Sunvold ’20. “We start with some insane equation that twists your brain so much you get a migraine, then all of a sudden it comes full circle and all makes sense. He has really high expectations, but his classes are all so well structured and he’s always ready for clarification on some extremely hard material.”

Psychology of Gender

Abby Malecha ’22 broadened her perspective in Associate Professor of Psychology Randy Renstrom’s psychology elective. “It opened my eyes to many more perspectives about how people identify,” she says. Researching gender identities is still in its early stages compared to many other areas of research, so it was very interesting to look at some of the things psychologists are not analyzing.”

Social Problems

Jon Witt, professor of sociology, told us that this was a class where we would be looking at social problems, not social solutions,” says Grace Vaughn ’20. “What we learned in that class inspired me to be a part of working toward the solutions.”


“Lecturer of Psychology Karen Cleveland’s class was extremely intense with a lot of information,” says Marissa Hudson ’20. “But I learned so much and found it to be filled with examples to help me better understand the various mental disorders that are around us.”

How to Solve a Crisis: Role-Playing the Past to Solve Our Present

“When people think of role-playing, they think of plays and drama, but that couldn’t be further from the truth,” says John Dillon ’21.Susan Swanson, assistant professor of art, gave us fictional roles from a critical time period in history (such as pre-1776 New York City), and we debated each other in a winner-take-all game. I learned persuasive skills and historical facts while bonding with my classmates. I highly recommend it to all Central students.”


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About the Writer/Photographer

Hi, my name is Brandon Rosas ’20, and I majored in communication studies with a minor in art at Central College. During my time at Central, I enjoyed drawing, watching salsa dancing videos, studying in Maytag Student Center and working as a student-writer for the Central Communications Office. I now work as PR and Communications Coordinator at Musco Sports Lighting, and I am a regular contributor to Art of the West magazine. In my free time, I enjoy reading, painting and spending time with family

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