Central College News

7 Tips for Surviving Finals

By Brooke Jansen ’18

The end is near—finals are just around the corner. Classes are winding down, and the holidays are here, meaning the pressure is on to find gifts and attend family gatherings. According to Grace Vaughn ’20, student wellness educator at Central, it’s important to balance studying with rest. “Study hard, but make sure to take short breaks and get lots of sleep the night before an exam,” she says. Here are some more tips on getting through the most stressful time of the semester.

Get some sleep.

It’s important to be well-rested and refreshed while you’re studying and taking exams. A 20-minute power nap can go a long way.

Listen to your favorite music.

Music can help you feel calm when you’re stressed out. Classical melodies can have an especially calming effect, so if you don’t normally listen to classical, it may be worth giving Brahms or Beethoven a try.

Manage time wisely.

Taking time for yourself is important, too. Just make sure it doesn’t involve bingeing all of “Stranger Things” in one sitting. “Find an accountability partner who will study with you and help you stay on track—and do the same for them as well,” Vaughn suggests.


Get your body moving to rid yourself of the tension built up from studying and working on final projects. Exercising releases all kinds of happy endorphins.

Talk to someone.

Vaughn says, “Ask for help if and when you need it, whether it be extra tutoring or emotional support.” You can schedule a meeting with Michelle Kellar, director of counseling services, or George Clark, assistant director of counseling services, or visit the wellness educators during their office hour on Wednesday nights from 8 – 9 p.m. for a confidential conversation.

Reward yourself.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and you deserve a reward. Treat yourself with a snack or a little online shopping. Vaughn says it’s important to have a goal in mind for each reward. “Set realistic goals and reward yourself when you complete each one,” she says.

Campus events

T’was the Night Before Finals takes place Sunday, Dec. 10, and features events like pet therapy, a tea-tasting bar, gingerbread-house making, chair massages, a henna artist, snacks and crafts, yoga sessions by Sequoia Yoga and the movie “Elf.”


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