Central College News

Doyle Monsma Named Major Gifts Officer

Doyle Monsma, 1983 Central College graduate, has been hired as part of the college’s advancement team.

Doyle Monsma, now major gifts officer, is a Pella native and 1983 Central graduate.

Doyle Monsma, 1983 Central College graduate, has been hired as part of the college’s advancement team. Monsma is now major gifts officer with a focus in planned giving.

Monsma most recently served as director of planned giving and development at Des Moines University. He worked for the Arthritis Foundation for 12 years, serving as president and CEO of the Iowa chapter, regional director of development and area director of planned giving.

With over 20 years of nonprofit fundraising experience, Monsma has also worked for the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association and Calvin Community Foundation. He has been a member of the Association of Fund Raising Professionals since 1979 and gained his Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) designation in 1994. Monsma is also a member of the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning and American Council on Gift Annuities.

Monsma grew up in Pella and currently lives in Des Moines.

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