Central College News

13 Awesome Ways to Survive Finals Week

It's finals week! Take advantage of Central's favorite strategies.

It's finals week! Take advantage of Central's favorite strategies.

by Mary Kahanic ‘16

It’s finals week! Take advantage of Central’s favorite strategies:

1. We’re in This Together

Make the most of the fact that your classmates are all in the same boat. Use your study group during finals week.

2. Hit the Hay

It’s tempting to put off sleep, but those hours of rest are essential for your mind. Study hard, then sleep — you’ll remember more!

3. Right Place, Right Time

Double check your exam times. Make sure you know those little details as well as your coursework!

Students prepare for exams at Central College.

4. Dress for Success

Is your focus sharper in sweatpants or a snappy outfit? Either way, get ready to approach your finals with confidence.

5. It’s the Final Tuesday

There’s nothing better than warm cookies straight from the oven on Fresh Cookie Tuesday. You’re guaranteed a brighter day.

6. We are the Champions

Fuel up for finals with a late-night breakfast, Christmas music and fun with friends at the Breakfast of Champions.

Students celebrate at Central's Breakfast of Champions.

 7. Get Your Central Spirit On

Red is energetic, confident, powerful — and it’s our color! And if there’s not enough Dutch red in your wardrobe, we all know shopping is therapeutic, too.

8. It’s Cold Outside

Hot cocoa from the café and Maytag’s warm fireplace will keep you going through this week of papers, exams and presentations.

 9. Sweat it Out

You can crush stress with exercise any time of day (or night), thanks to 24-hour workout space in Maytag. Make the most of your study breaks!

10. Find Your Jam

Nothing is more energizing than a playlist with all your favorite tunes! Get motivated to successfully tackle your finals.

11. Cherish the Last Minute

Need peace and quiet, or background bustle? Find your special place on campus to master any last-minute learning.

 12. Turn it Off

Give yourself a break from the welcome distractions of social media. Turn off your notifications when you need to focus your time and energy on preparing for finals.

13. Hang Your Carrot

Are you open to bribes? It doesn’t hurt to reward yourself for studying — pick your favorite incentives.

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