Central College News

20 Signs You Attend Central College

How can you tell if Central College is home? You know the signs.

How can you tell if Central College is home? You know the signs.

How can you tell if Central College is home? You know the signs:

You fill your closet with red T-shirts and Under Armour apparel.

You know the value of a short-cut through Vermeer Science Center when Iowa weather gets brutal.

You greet at least three people every time you cross campus.

You’ve been to President Putnam’s house at least once — for dinner, a reception or college event.

You would rather dress up for the Lemming Race than Halloween.

Running of the Lemmings at Central College

You understand civic responsibility and have a passion for giving back to the

You’ve added “hoo-rah” to your vocabulary.

You clap when someone drops a glass during meals.

You’ve attended at least one Combos concert.

You’ve polished your golf swing with numerous games of gennis.

You've polished your golf swing with numerous games of gennis.

You’re not shocked when the lights turn off in a hallway or classroom — you know the importance of sustainability.

You and your academic advisor have discussed a TV show, recent movie or the election — maybe even all three.

You recognize a sporting event when you see the red-and-white striped overalls of the Dutch Brigade.

You measure the health value of your food by colors — green, yellow, red.

You love eating breakfast at 10 p.m. during finals week’s Breakfast of Champions.

You have a secret, quiet study spot in Geisler Library, where you crush your homework.

You skillfully avoid the pond on your birthday. Especially January birthdays.

You’ve studied abroad or completed a challenging internship — or both!

You look forward to spring because of baby geese, Tulip Time and commencement.

You rearrange your lunch schedule to enjoy Fresh Cookie Tuesday and Mongolian Friday.

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