Six Central College faculty members received awards this spring for outstanding commitment, energy and innovation. “It’s been a busy and productive year for our faculty,” said Central College President Mark Putnam. “Their deep commitment can be seen in places and programs throughout our campus community today — but perhaps their richest impacts will be felt by our graduates as they live out their dreams.”

Cathy Haustein, professor of chemistry

Dr. John Wesselink Award
This award recognizes faculty achievement in scholarship having direct impact on classroom teaching. Nominations for the award specifically identify the faculty member’s scholarly accomplishments in relation to advancements in courses, programs, majors and student participation in research.

Jon Witt, professor of sociology

David Crichton Memorial Teaching Award
This award recognizes outstanding teaching at Central that perpetuates the type of instruction that challenges and shapes the intellectual development of students.

Russ Benedict, professor of biology

Huffman Award for Outstanding Support of International Education
This award recognizes the contributions made by Donald and Maxine Huffman to the Central programs in international education, including cross-cultural areas and foreign language courses, with particular emphasis on study abroad.

Ashley Garr, assistant professor of chemistry

Frank W. Moore Faculty Award
This award acknowledges faculty who have promoted student learning within the natural sciences division through teaching and/or service over time.

Paulina Mena, assistant professor of biology

Moore Family Faculty Award
This award recognizes and fosters joint faculty-student summer collaborations that promote a greater depth of student understanding within the natural science division disciplines than would normally occur through regular coursework.
Hutch Bearce Community-Building and Faculty Leadership Award
This award recognizes faculty members for efforts over a sustained period of time in community building and mentorship or leadership.
Jay Wackerly, assistant professor of chemistry
Marvin L. Hackert Faculty Development Fund for Science and Mathematics
This fund enhances the quality of the sciences at Central through those activities that promote professional development and research.