Central College News

Pieing for a Cause

Senior Chris Kilgannon got a pie in the face as the winner of the first-ever Pie Throw.

Senior Chris Kilgannon got a pie in the face as the winner of the first-ever Pie Throw.


If you want to make the world a better place, you could pull out your wallet. Or you could get a pie thrown in your face.

This year, Dance Marathon held a pie-throwing fundraiser to provide financial and emotional support to the families of children being treated at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The candidates for the contest were five students, including student body president Greg Ellingson, and two faculty and staff members, Matt Diehl and Stephan Fyfe. “I did it because of the cause,” says Diehl. “It’s for the kids.”

Voting for the “winner”—or victim—was done through financial contributions. During the week before the event, voting stations were set up in Central Market and Maytag Student Center. Whoever received the most money would get pied. The winner was announced on Feb. 28 in Graham Central Station. Senior Chris Kilgannon was crowned the winner and received a pie in the face.

pie throw 3“I had a feeling I was going to win,” says Kilgannon. “The proceeds go to a good cause, and it’s for the kids.” There was thunderous applause as senior Tyler Mason threw the pie into Kilgannon’s face.

“For the kids…” was the shared motivation behind this event. Senior Amina Lovan, a member of the Dance Marathon planning team, says, “We decided to do a pie throw because it has never been done before, and it seemed like it would be fun and entertaining. We’re giving the kids all we’ve got.”

For all the children out there receiving medical treatment, know that the students of Central College are pulling—and pieing—for you.


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